The overall objective of this work is to conduct implementation research studies to generate evidence that helps to identify enablers and bottlenecks that impact the delivery of health interventions. This includes: generating evidence on how gender intersects with other social variables impacted by specific contextual and structural factors...[Continue Reading]
Premium Grant Opportunities
- [Call for NGO Projects] An Opportunity to end Poverty, achieve Gender Equality, and reduce Climate Change Impact. Deadline to Apply: 26 May 2022
- Flagship Training of the Human Rights Defenders (Advocacy Support + Coaching). Deadline to Apply: 3 Jan 2022
- Norwegian Foundation inviting proposals on Climate Change from all around the world. Deadline to apply: 4 Feb 2022
- SEK 1.5 M Funding Available for Projects in the Environmental and Sustainability Field. Deadline to Apply: 10 Jan 2022
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