Open Call: Agro-ecological Approaches in African Agriculture Systems Grant Program
The implementation of agro-ecological approaches will alleviate the pressure that agri-food production places on natural ecosystems, contributing to resilience of agri-food systems and facilitating nature-based responses to current and future agri-food risks and threats...[more]
Call for Proposals to improve Food Security and Nutrition in African Cities (Requested grant amount is equal to or greater than EUR 500 000)
In support of this strategy, the EU and the African Union are implementing a ten-year roadmap (2016-2026) on research and innovation in food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture to which the successful proposal will contribute. It will also contribute to the transformation of food systems to deliver co-benefits for climate (mitigation and adaptation)...[more]
This downloadable PDF Ebook will give a list of donor agencies offering funding grants for small and grassroots-based NGOs.